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The complete grammar for Skiylia, as it currently stands, is listed below.

This page makes use of a slightly modified version of Backus-Naur notation.


A Greater than > defines the left hand side in terms of the right.

A Bar | allows a choice between any number of separated values.

A Parenthesis () implies a grouping of some number of objects.

A Double quote " " enclosing a object shows that that value must appear exactly.

An Asterisk * attached to an object shows that it appears zero or more times.

A Plus + attached to an object shows that it appears one or more times.

A Question mark ? attatched to an object shows that it appears one or less times.

Syntax Grammar

Syntax grammar describes how tokens are parsed into the internal representation of Skiylia (be it abstract syntax tree, or byte-code).

The first rule matches the entirety of a Skiylia script (or the command line REPL).

program             > declaration* EOF


A program is a series of declarations, each of which are themselves statements.

declaration         > importDeclaration
                    | classDeclaration
                    | functionDeclaration
                    | variableDeclaration
                    | statement

importDeclaration   > "import" Identifier

classDeclaration    > "class" Identifier ( "(" Identifier ")" )?
                      ":" "\n" function*

functionDeclaration > "def" function

variableDeclaration > "var"? Identifier ( "=" expression )?

To keep the syntax cleaner, the function grammar has been pulled out here.

function            > Identifier "(" paramters? ")" ":" "\n" block

paramters           > Identifier ( "," Identifier )*


Statements do not introduce bindings (objects that the interpreter needs to track).

statement           > checkStatement
                    | doStatement
                    | exprStatement
                    | forStatement
                    | ifStatement
                    | interuptStatement
                    | untilStatement
                    | whileStatement
                    | block

checkStatement      > "check" expression ("," expression)?

doStatement         > "do" (whileStatement | untilStatement)

exprStatement       > expression "\n"

forStatement        > "for" ( variableDeclaration | exprStatement )
                             forcondition? ":" "\n" statement

forcondition        > ( "when" expression )? ( "do" expression )?
                    | "in" Identifier

ifStatement         > "if" expression ":" "\n"? statement
                        ( "elif" expression ":" "\n"? statement)*
                        ( "else" ":" "\n"? statement )?

interuptStatement   > "break"
                      | "continue"
                      | "return" expression?

untilStatement      > "until" expression ":" "\n" statement

whileStatement      > "while" expression ":" "\n" statement

block               > ( declaration "\n" )+

Note: the block requires indentation to increase before, and decrease after, itself.


expression          > assignment

assignment          > ( call "." )? Identifier "=" assignment
                    | conditional

conditional         > logicalor ( ( ( "?" expression ":" )
                                    | "?:" | "??" ) conditional )?

Binary operations

Binary operations are those that take two values. (not neccesarily those that require binary numbers, like 0b101)

logicalor           > logicalxor ( ( "|" | "or" ) logicalxor )*

logicalxor          > logicaland ( ( "^" | "xor" ) logicaland )*

logicaland          > equality ( ( "&" | "and" ) equality )*

equality            > comparison ( ( "==" | "!=" | "===" | "!=="
                                    | "~~~" | "!~~" ) comparison )*

comparison          > term ( ( ">" | ">=" | "<" | "<=" | "<=>" ) term )*

term                > factor ( ( "-" | "+" ) factor )*

factor              > unary ( ( "*" | "/" | "**" ) unary )*

Unary operations

Operations that require only a single operand

unary               > ( "!" | "-" )* unary
                    | ( "++" | "--" )? call
                    | postfix

postfix             > call ( "--" | "++" )?


These are the final parts of the script that actually encode values like 6 or Hello World!

call                > literal ( "(" arguments ")" )*
                    | literal ( "." Identifier )*

arguments           > expression ( "," expression )*

literal             > Number
                    | String
                    | "self"
                    | "super" "." Identifier
                    | "(" expression ")"
                    | true
                    | false
                    | null
                    | Identifier

Lexical Grammar

Lexical grammar describes how characters are parsed into tokens such that the syntax grammar can be used.

Number              > Digit+ ( "." Digit+ )?

String              > {"} {any character}* {"}

Identifier          > Alpha AlphaNumeric*

AlphaNumeric        > Alpha | Digit

Alpha               > "a" | "b" ... "z"
                    | "A" | "B" ... "Z"
                    | "_"

Digit               > "0" | "1" ... "9"

Strings must begin and end with ", but it is quite hard to represent that within our Backus-Naur rules.