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Data Types


Booleans represent truthiness in Skiylia. There are only two boolean literals, true and false.

They are returned when evaluating the truthiness of an expression a == b or by directly fetching the boolean representation of an object bool(a).



All numbers in Skiylia are stored internally as a floating point value, a similarity shared by most all languages. Floats can be accessed by passing any number with a non-zero decimal component 0.91, or by directly calling the float representation of an object float(1.4)


Integers are the subset of float that do not contain a decimal component 14. When representing values in code, the Skiylia interpreter automatically converts any floats to integers where possible.

Floats can be explicitly converted to integers by calling several methods: int() (or integer()), round(), ceil(), and floor().

integer(3.9415)       // 3
int(3.9415)           // 3
round(3.9415)         // 4
ceil(3.9415)          // 4
floor(3.9415)         // 3


Strings are natively stored in UTF-8 Encoding in Skiylia, though any value can be stored. All string literals are enclosed with " " double-quote marks. Additionally, a string can be constructed by directly calling the str() (or string()) function.

When calling comparisons, the Skiylia interpreter automatically converts any string objects to floats (or integers) where possible.


Skiylia has a single none-type, null. This is automatically returned where a method does not return anything, and will always equate to false in a boolean operation, unless directly compared with another null.

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